About the Data Completeness Page

What is displayed

This page shows completeness data for recent CWU processing. Data can be viewed spanning from 1 to 7 days as a sliding time window, and the page updates automatically every 5 minutes.

Completeness data is presented as a table of "tiles" for the sites that CWU processes. Each tile displays the "% Complete" value for that site by both a color code and a text label.

Clicking on a tile will display a graph of data outage for that site. The outage graph is a stacked bar graph with data grouped into 5-minute blocks — with a maximum outage count per block per day of 300. The colors indicate on which day the outage occurred, as indicated in the legend to the right of the plot. Outages are plotted by time of day (UTC) and the thin black vertical line on the graph indicates the time of the most recent data update.

Clicking on an icon in the legend for the data outage plot will show full gap details for that site for that 24-hour period. Clicking on the same icon again will return to the outage counts plot.

Changing the page settings

By default, the page displays completeness data based on 5 days of data. All sites are shown, and sites are sorted alphabetically. These settings can be changed via the tools at the bottom of the page title.

Enter values into the input fields and hit the Return key or click outside the field to activate the change.

The sort order can be changed by clicking on the sort direction indicator (∧, ∨, —) to the right of the site and percent input fields. By default the tiles are not sorted by percent complete (indicated by the —). If you choose a sort direction for percent, it will be the dominant sort factor.

You can filter the tiles shown by entering a site "pattern". Patterns consist of 1-4 characters, where

So, for example "S?0#" would show tiles for S300, SC02, and SC04. Patterns shorter than 4 characters are handled as though they had a trailing *

Passing flags in the URL

You can load the page with specific settings by adding parameter flags to the page URL. Flags are all in the "key=value" form, and you separate flags with ampersands (&). Any flags not given will use the default value.

Accepted flags:
